May 12, 2008

Baby Book Reviews

1. What to Expect, The First Year
by Arlene Eisenberg, Heidi Murkoff, Sandee E Hathaway

This 745-page book covers almost everything a new mom needs to know about her newborn, from topics ranging from breastfeeding, to weaning, to bathing baby, to nappy rash, to vaccinations to childhood ailments. I am amazed that it even covers what to expect if having a second baby!

I would say that this is indeed a 'bible' for a new parent. I like the way it's organized, and definitely enjoyed reading about baby's development month-by-month.

2. The Baby Whisperer solves all your problems Sleeping, Feeding and Behaviour - beyond the Basics from Infancy through Toddlerhood
by Merlinda Blau, Tracy Hogg

I got this book when Ariel had difficulty sleeping through the night at 8 months old. After all I've heard so much about Tracy Hogg and her PU/PD method to help babies sleep through the night.

After reading this book, the only regret I have is not getting this book earlier coz it gave lots of detailed information to sleep training, feeding (babies of different birth weights), establishing a routine, etc. Tracy Hogg is truly a Baby Whisperer! I was glad that Ariel's natural routine follows that of what she advocates: the E.A.S.Y. routine :)

However, I must say that to truly practise what Tracy teaches, it needs a lot of determination and perseverance on the part of the parents. Honestly, i do not think we managed to perfect the PU/PD method becoz Ariel didn't really manage to sleep through the night until I've weaned her at 14 months.

3. Secrets of the Baby Whisperer for Toddlers
by Merlinda Blau, Tracy Hogg

After reading the above (2), we decided to get another book by Tracy Hogg. This is a little disappointing although I do find Tracy Hogg's 'temperament analysis' of babies rather useful. There were too many concepts introduced. But then again, I would think that it's not easy writing a book on toddlers because there are just too many issues to deal with in toddlerhood?

4. The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddlers and Preschoolers Gentle Ways to stop Bedtime battles and Improve your Child's Sleep
by Elizabeth Pantley

I love this book! Pantley provides lots of useful, easy-to-do tips on sleep training. I got to know about this book through the Peaceful Parenting group on Facebook. What Pantley offers is indeed 'peaceful' sleep training! I like what she says about 'if it's not troubling you, you don't have to change it'.

The book also provides good tips on ending nighttime nursing. I tried it on my gal and it works! I would strongly recommend this book, especially for nursing mothers.

5. Super Baby Food
by Ruth Yaron

This is a very useful book for introducing babies to solids. Reading this book makes me feel like I've gone for a crash course on Nutrition. Once again, I regret not reading this book earlier. The month-to-month chapters are really useful. This is also the ultimate homemaker book because Ruth provides lots of tips on housekeeping and vege facts.

The only thing I find lacking in this book is information regarding meat. But then again, the 'super diet' Ruth advocates is that of a vegetarian diet. So, this is great for parents who wants to raise a vegetarian child. For me, I would still prefer to give my girl some meat. The nutrition info are very useful nonetheless.

6. What to Expect, the Toddler Years
by Arlene Eisenberg, Heidi Murkoff, Sandee E Hathaway

What can I say? This is another great book by Eisenberg, Murkoff and Hathaway.

More book reviews to be updated...

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