March 05, 2010

Remedy for cough

Coming back to Singapore, I find that our little girl is rather prone to cough. Usually a dry cough will be followed by a wet cough with phlegm. So, here's my home remedy for cough, using TCM ingredients

Stewed Pear with White fungus

White fungus (白木耳)
Pear (either the japanese or chinese 'brown-skinned' pear, aka 梨)
Wolfberry (苟纪子)

How to cook:
1. Cut the pear into pieces.
2. Put all ingredients into a slow-cooker and stew on high for about 1 hour, turning to low heat for another hour or so.

*White fungus and pear are great for preventing phlegm from developing.
*Wolfberry is high in Vitamin A, and thus great for the immune system. It is also a sweetening agent.
*If the child is having a persistent cough, I will also add another TCM ingredient called 南北杏 Which is supposed to prevent cough.
*If it's a 'cooling' kind of cough, you may like to stew the above for a longer period of time.

There was once when Ariel was developing a cold and cough, i stewed the above for her on alternate days, 3 times. Her wet cough did not deteriorate and we did not have to see a doctor. The above remedy is good for hot weather and has 养颜消暑的功能。Ariel loves this dish.

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