June 26, 2010

I'm a Chameleon

It's been so long since I last blogged. Well, guess what, I'm without a domestic helper again. I have changed 4 domestic helpers in 1 year. Phew, actually I barely made it to the 'court order' of MOM, which stipulates that if I were to change another helper within that year, I'd have to go for an employers' course to learn how to manage domestic workers.

Sigh, recently, I have been evaluating more and more about being a housewife. Since coming back to Singapore - a modernized metropolitan where every girl (yes, even teenage girls) are well-dressed - I've been really pressured (by myself) to wonder if I should stop 'mopping' around like a housewife with 10 kids. As I see my peers advancing in their careers; and yet being a loving, joyful, well-dressed mommy, it suddenly made me wonder if being a housewife is really beneficial to my kids and the household?! Since I stopped working 3 years ago, I've become a nag; a hygiene freak who finds all maids unsatisfactory; and an 'electronic socialite' who keeps facebook as her home page on the computer!!!

Call me a chameleon. While man(or woman) shapes the environment, it is with no doubt that the environment shapes a man(or woman) too. I used to think that being a housewife is not so bad in Oregon, because we see housewives everywhere we go. Over in Singapore, people go, "You mean you could stay as a housewife for so long?!!"

I have succumbed to social pressure. I'm really not that strong in overcoming peer pressure, and have decided on my destiny. As long as we do not have to move to the countryside again, I shall try to do something with my life here, be it a part-time course or a part-time work. Perhaps being away once in a while will make me appreciate my kids more, and not victimize the maid anymore...

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